Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Update dos

Stacia's contractions are fairly steady. She's not in any pain and she's pretty mellow. A woman we know who is pregnant and seeing the same midwife is here getting monitored. Stacia went to say Hi but she was busy doing that baby stuff that they do. She'll make her way over here sometime. Margaret's on her way with a sandwich. Stacia's texting Jana, and we're listening to KEXP.


kuhlkid said...

Thanks for the update! I feel like a stalker since I'm just waiting by my computer for any sort of news :-) Dan has been pretty darn quiet up there recently. Maybe he wore himself out....He needs to get his rest before baby comes home!!

Anonymous said...

seriously baby? you are taking longer to come out of your mommy than jay-z took to come out of "retirement!"
get out of there already!
xo, toon

CalandStacia said...

Our baby already recorded the black album and went back into retirement. Booya!

Angie said...

Cal~ wondering if you could post another update before the noon hour. My lunches are now dedicated to the Twilight Saga and as important as you, Stacia and the baby are.....Bella and Edward are about to get it on in this chapter!

Thanks! and your the best.

Ang :0)

P.S. If you cant that's okay. I will just take a computer break between chapters!

Anonymous said...

This is exciting! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel like a stalker too, as I'm checking phone and laptop every 2 mins in hopes of an update. Good job daddy ledbetter at keeping us getting our fixes!