Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A time to comment

Posted by: Cal

Well, I have some down time to do more than give brief health updates so I'll take a chance to write about other stuff.
So last night we went home. We made some chocolate chip cookies (I know, domestic, but whatever). We're trying to perfect a recipe to perfect these things so they'll be baby's favorite cookies ever and hopefully will compete with the awesomeness that will be Grandma Pam's cookies. We've got some tricks down, now we're going to tweak ingredients.
Anyhow, I digress. Last night we almost immediately went to bed (around 9:30pm) to anticipate getting up at 4:30am to be at the hospital by five.
This morning we took Dan down to pee, fed his idiot face, then headed out the door. That pretty much brings us to where we're at now, watching The Today Show. Since we came in before the shift change from night to day, we've met about five nurses, but now we're in for the long-run with Anita and her helper (student?) Chelsea.


Brea said...

YEAH! Here comes StaCal Jr! So excited for you guys! We'll keep this running in the background all day today! This is way more exciting than the Shiba Inu puppy cam anyway!


ksausman said...

Hang in there Stacia & Cal... keep your eyes on the prize! We love you and are praying for you! XO