Sunday, August 24, 2008

What's in a name?

Posted by: Cal

Yesterday Stacia and I attended the wedding of her cousin out in the San Juan Islands. Many of Stacia's family attended, including her hip, no-panyhose-wearing Grandma--little Tammy Damascas' Great Grandma. Great Grandma Gwen referred to Tammy as TamDam much in the same way we refer to Jennifer Lopez as J.Lo. I thought this was hillarious. As most know, we don't know the sex of the baby, which will be a surprise till it pops out to say Hello. So for now we've taken our two pre-birth names, Tammy Wynette and Damascas Pinkerton, International Spy and combined them to Tammy Damascas. Or, now, TamDam. Much like the sex of the child will be a surprise, so will be the name. We have a short list for either sex, which gets shorter as time goes by, which we're at this point keeping a secret.
Yesterday, though, while chatting with Stacia's distant cousins, we learned he'd named his daughter Naomi. This was a short-list name, so now that list has become shorter. Not that we're looking for our kid's name to be so unique that no one else can share it, we felt, though, that two Naomis in the family would be too much.
So here's a question I pose to you, dear readers:
What is the best name you can think of for TamDam, and what is the worst?
I'm keeping my best a secret, but I'll tell you my worst I came up with...
I love the name Ophelia. It has that classic, old-time feel. Ophelia is a character in Shakespeare's Hamlet, and is also referenced in the great song "Who Are You" by Tom Waits ("Now Ophelia wants to know where she should turn."). Then my friend Margaret points out to me that Ophelia is too easy of a target for school-yard prodding since the name sounds like Oh Feel Ya.
Nope. That ended that. No one will be talking about Oh Feelin' TamDam, that's for tamdamn sure.
So comment to this blog with a good name, a bad name, or both.


Krause's Corner said...

I choose not to attempt baby naming. I do however have a comment about the importance of good naming efforts.

I think that the name and its meaning is HUGELY important. It is there to identify them and is not about the parents at all. A name should both identify and speak blessing and honor into someone every time it is spoken in my not so humble opinion. :-)

A persons name will be repeated to and about them for their entire life. I believe that the spoken word has much power. In Genesis God spoke the world into existence. We were made in Gods image so I believe we speak things into existence as well.

So think well and name carefully oh makers of babies.

Love you guys,

Dad Krause

Angie said...

I suggest that you NOT name the baby Kennedy. I say this because if I ever have a sweet baby girl, this is the name that I have picked out. Perhaps a name like Yolanda or hey~why not stick with Tammy? Anyways, best wishes and choose well.

luv angie

p.s. I really don't like the name Yolanda. But im sure you already know that.